<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.play_now.next-gen', { _: 'The Next Generation of Collectible Card Games', }) %>
<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.play_trade_earn.play', { _: 'Play' }) %>
<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.play_trade_earn.anytime', { _: 'Anytime' }) %>
<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.play_trade_earn.trade', { _: 'Trade' }) %>
<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.play_trade_earn.anytime', { _: 'Anytime' }) %>
<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.play_trade_earn.earn', { _: 'Earn' }) %>
<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.play_trade_earn.every_win', { _: 'Every Win' }) %>
<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.magic_mayhem.title', { _: 'Magic + Mayhem' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.magic_mayhem.p1', { _: 'Since the days of the Splintering, the face of the world has been shaped by blood and power. As factions battle for control, primal energies are harnessed and unleashed.' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.magic_mayhem.p2', { _: 'Tired of card games that require a huge investment in time to play a single session? The rapid battles in Splinterlands are fast and furious, each game only taking a few minutes.' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.magic_mayhem.p3', { _: 'Play, Trade, and Earn anywhere at anytime. Splinterlands is available on both desktop and mobile devices.' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.title', { _: 'Gaming Unleashed' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.p1', { _: 'Other online collectible card games sacrifice the real world value of physical cards for the sake of convenience.' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.p2', { _: 'We see a better way.' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.physical_games', { _: 'Physical Games' }) %>
  • <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.play', { _: 'Play' }) %>: <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.cons.present', { _: 'Must be physically present to play' }) %>
  • <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.trade', { _: 'Trade / Sell' }) %>: <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.cons.shipping_constraints', { _: 'Limited by physical shipping constraints' }) %>
  • <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.cons.earn', { _: 'Earn' }) %>: <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.cons.earn', { _: 'Professional Players Only' }) %>
<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.digital_games', { _: 'Digital Games' }) %>
  • <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.play', { _: 'Play' }) %>: <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.pros.any', { _: 'Anytime / Anywhere' }) %>
  • <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.trade', { _: 'Trade / Sell' }) %>: <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.cons.not_allowed', { _: 'Not Allowed' }) %>
  • <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.cons.earn', { _: 'Earn' }) %>: <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.cons.earn', { _: 'Professional Players Only' }) %>
  • <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.play', { _: 'Play' }) %>: <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.pros.any', { _: 'Anytime / Anywhere' }) %>
  • <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.trade', { _: 'Trade / Sell' }) %>: <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.pros.any', { _: 'Anytime / Anywhere' }) %>
  • <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.cons.earn', { _: 'Earn' }) %>: <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.gaming_unleashed.comparison.pros.every', { _: 'Everyone / Every Win' }) %>
<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.victory_glory.title', { _: 'For Victory and Glory' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.victory_glory.p1', { _: 'Each battle has a different combination of combat rules, total Mana cap, and playable Elements!' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.victory_glory.p2', { _: 'Strategy is critical in creating the best team for the given situation.' }) %>

Example of the Battle screen.
<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.learn_gameplay.title', { _: 'Learn More About Gameplay' }) %>
<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.stats.rarities.title', { _: '4 Rarities' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.stats.rarities.p1', { _: 'There are four Rarity types: Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. Each has different level and circulation caps.' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.stats.stats.title', { _: '7 Stats' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.stats.stats.p1', { _: 'Compare Mana Cost, forms of Attack (like Melee, Ranged, Magic), Speed, Armor, and Health!' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.stats.factions.title', { _: '7 Elements' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.stats.factions.p1', { _: 'The Elements are: Fire, Earth, Water, Life, Death, Dragon, and Neutral (mercenaries).' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.stats.abilities.title', { _: '64+ Abilities' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.stats.abilities.p1', { _: 'Unique abilities allow players to turn the tide of battle in unexpected and exciting ways!' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.stats.cards.title', { _: '500+ Cards' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.stats.cards.p1', { _: 'An ever-growing library of cards give players a robust variety of combinations. Collect them all!' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.your_cards.title', { _: 'Powered by Blockchain Technology' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.your_cards.p1', { _: 'Blockchain technology is powering the future of gaming, allowing players to trade, sell, and lease their card assets.' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.your_cards.p2', { _: 'The cards in your collection are compatible with 3rd party marketplace platforms such as Open Sea, PeakMonsters, Monster Market, and elsewhere.' }) %>

  • <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.your_cards.checklist.item1', { _: 'COMBINE CARDS TO GAIN LEVELS' }) %>
  • <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.your_cards.checklist.item2', { _: 'CONVERT CARDS TO CRYPTO' }) %>
  • <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.your_cards.checklist.item3', { _: 'TRADE WITH ANYONE' }) %>
  • <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.your_cards.checklist.item4', { _: 'SELL ON MULTIPLE PLATFORMS' }) %>
  • <%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.your_cards.checklist.item5', { _: 'RENT CARDS TO OTHER PLAYERS' }) %>
<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.tournament_prizes_awarded.title', { _: 'Tournament Prizes Awarded' }) %>
<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.earn.title', { _: 'Play To Earn' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.earn.p1', { _: 'Have you ever wanted to be a professional Gamer?' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.earn.p2', { _: 'Now you can.' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.earn.p3', { _: 'Splinterlands makes it easy to earn on a daily basis. Players can win rewards from Tournaments, Ranked play, and Quests! No matter what your skill level or collection size, there is always an opportunity to earn!' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.earn.p4', { _: 'Among the many prizes you may win are collectible cards of varying rarity, card packs, magic potions, and Dark Energy Crystals (a tradable, digital currency used to buy items in the shop).' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.got_crypto.title', { _: 'Got Crypto?' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.got_crypto.p1', { _: 'Splinterlands makes it easy to get involved with cryptocurrency. In fact, a STEEM cryptocurrency wallet is automatically generated for you upon registering on this website.' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.got_crypto.p2', { _: 'For veteran crypto users, you’ll be glad to know that Splinterlands has cross-compatibility with other blockchains such as Ethereum and WAX.' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.got_crypto.p3', { _: 'Buy in-game credits with a variety of cryptocurrencies, earn crypto and other digital assets, and even earn HIVE cryptocurrenty tokens by simply participating in our SplinterTalk social media community!' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.got_crypto.p4', { _: 'Building your portfolio has never been so much fun!' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.subscribe.title', { _: 'Knowledge Is Power' }) %>

<%= SM.Translator.t('about_v2.subscribe.p1', { _: 'Stay up-to-date on the latest news, promotions, and announcements. Subscribe to the official Splinterlands newsletter!' }) %>